Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd., the only state owned Oil and Gas Exploration Company in India is actively engaged in consolidating a diversified portfolio across the entire energy valuecha in.The Rs.21000 crore group operates in the domains of exploration & production, gas trading, gas transmission, distribution and retailing, power, information technology, education and research. A sale ading E&P company,GSPC holds working in terests in 42onshore and offshore Oil and Gas E&P Blocks in India and abroad. Require following professionals. Head(Drilling) Head(Production) Head(Commercial) Head(Finance) CompanyMan Sr.VicePresident/VicePresident Manager0 The above positions will be on contractual employment mode. The initial period of contract will be 03 years which can be further extended based on performance. Details of each position are availableon“careers”page of Interested candidates may apply online through the link within 10 days mentioning the appropriate Post Code in Advertisement. Download Advertisement Apply Online ]]>