PGIMER Online Recruitment 2016 ~ Apply Online
Total No. of Posts : 281
Group “A”- Chief Nursing Officer
- Geneticist
- Medical Physicist (Nuclear Medicine)
- Lecturer (Speech & Hearing)
- Lecturer (Biostatistics)
Group “B”- Tutor (Bioinformatics)
- Staff Nurse Grade-II
- Physiotherapist
- Assistant Dietician
- Store Keeper
- Junior Engineer(Telephone)
Group “C”- Stenographer
- Lower Division Clerk
- Dark Room Assistant Grade-III (X-ray)
- Staff Car Driver Ordinary Grade
- Sanitary Attendant Grade-III
Education Qualification : Post Wise Various See in Official Notification
Age : Min. 18 Years
Selection Process : After the closing of last date of applications, the eligibility of the candidates for written examination will be based on i) whether the candidate has deposited the requisite application fee in the bank or not?, ii) whether after depositing of fee in the bank it has been entered and updated in the application form or not? iii) after reconciliation with the bank statement. The eligibility of the candidates regarding educational qualification, age etc. will not be checked at this stage because no certificates/documents are called from the candidates alongwith application forms. These candidates are required to sit in the written examination, which will be held in Chandigarh only. The Date of Examination, Centre of Examination, Roll Number and Instructions for candidates etc. will be intimated to the candidates in Admit Cards which will be available on the website of the PGI.
Application Fees : SC / ST Rs. 500/- Other Rs.1000/-
How to Apply : Interested & Eligible candidates applying for the post should first confirm their eligibility before going to the website of the Institute i.e. All eligible candidates should apply online before the last date for registration of application form on the website Before filling up Online Application, a candidate must have his/her photograph scanned in the .jpg format in such a manner that each file should not exceed 500 KB and must not be less than 3 KB in size for the photograph as it has to be uploaded at the time of filling of online form. Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID which should be kept active during the recruitment process. The candidates should ensure that the email ID is not shared or disclosed to any body. In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online.
Candidates can go to any Branch of State Bank of India with the fee Payment Challan duly filled in and pay the prescribed Application Fee in the “Power Jyoti” PUL current account of PGIMER. The account No. of PGIMER for recruitment is 35700657347. The candidates after having deposited the fee in the bank must ensure that they have Triplicate Fee Payment Challan with Journal No./Challan No. given by the bank on it. They should mention this Journal/Challan number on the space provided in the application form and keep this challan form with them for future use.
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Important Dates :
PGIMER Online Application Last Date 12/05/2016
View PGIMER Recruitment Notification 2016
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