CPCL Recruitment 2017
CPCL 108 Apprentice Job 2017
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) published latest jobs official notification for the
ITI / Graduate Apprentices for 108 Vacancies of CPCL Website
https://www.cpcl.co.in Interested & Eligible Candidate Apply Online CPCL Apprentice Recruitment 2017 read jobs notification & other details as are under.
Chennai Petro Apprentice Recruitment 2017
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, as a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, Invite Applications from candidates with following qualification for engagment as
Trade Apprentice under Act 1961 / 1973 (as amended from time to time) in the designated trades mentioned below.
CPSL Job details
No of post: 108
Name of posts:
Apprentice:- Fitter: 16
- Electrician: 10
- Mechanic Motor Vehicle (MMV): 10
- Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (MMTM): 8
- Welder: 8
- Machinist: 5
- Instrument Mechanic: 5
- Turner: 4
- Auto Electrician: 2
- Mechanic (Repair & Maintenance of Heavy Vehicles): 2
- Draughtsman (Civil): 2
- Draughtsman (Mechanic): 2
- Computer Operator & Programming Assistant: 5
- PASAA: 2
- Laboratory Assistant(C.P): 5
- Attendant Operator (C.P): 7
- Advanced Attendant Operator (Process): 15
Educational qualification:
For the Trade Codes 1 to 12: A pass in 10th Class examination under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent with the prescribed NTC (ITI) qualification recognized by the National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) or State Council of Vocational Training (SCVT).
For the Trade Code 13: Passed 12th class examination under 10+2 system of education with Science or Commerce or duly recognized diploma in engineering (other than computers) from any polytechnic of three years.
For the Trade Code 14: Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent and passed 1 year training in Govt. ITI in “Computer Operator and Programming Assistant” Trade and be eligible for National Trade Certificate issued by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT).
For the Trade Codes 15 & 16: B.Sc Passed out candidates with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory and Mathematics or Biology as desirable subject may apply.
For the Trade Code 17: B.Sc Passed out candidates with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory and Mathematics as desirable subjects may apply.
For all the Trade codes : The qualification prescribed shall be from a recognized University/Institute as a full time , regular course in relevant Trade s / Degree with overall percentage of minimum 50% for General & OBC candidates and overall percentage of 45% marks in case of SC/ST/PWD candidates against reserved positions.
Age Limit: Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years as on 01.11.2017. Age Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC Candidates: Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates Age Relaxation for PwD Candidates: Upper age is relaxable by 10 years for General candidates, 13 years for OBC candidates and 15 years for SC/ST candidates.
Stipend: Candidates will be paid a consolidated monthly stipend of `8625/- (Rupees Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Five only).
Pay Scale: Candidates should get the Salary of Rs.8625/- per month.
Period of Apprenticeship Training: For the Trade Code 1 to 16 Period of Apprenticeship Training will be one year. For the Trade Code 17 the period of Apprenticeship Training will be for 18 months.
Selection Process : The selection will be based on the percentage of marks scored by the candidates in their respective ITI trades / Degree. In case more than one candidate scoring the same percentage of marks at the cut-off level, the marks scored by the candidates in their 10th standard shall be considered. In case the 10th standard marks are also found to be equal then the senior most candidates, based on the date of birth, shall be considered for selection. The selection will be subject to the verification of certificates of the short listed candidates and their medically fitness.
How to apply:
The candidates will have to apply online for the Apprenticeship Training through the website of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited. To apply visit: www.cpcl.co.in . The candidate must possess a valid e-mail ID. The site will be functional from 10:30 hours of 13.11.2017 to midnight of 26.11.2017. Once the candidates submit their data Online, system will display a Registration Number and generate a Registration Slip. The candidates will have to download the slip and keep it safe with them for future reference and appearing for the verification of their records. and check mention below steps.
- The candidate must have an active email ID and Mobile number which must be valid for at least 1 year as all future communications with candidates will take place through Candidates are advised to mention their correct email id/mobile number and keep checking their e-mail as all future communications shall be sent only through e-mail.
- The candidate must ascertain the correctness of all information before filling in the “Online Application Form” and its final The candidate shall be wholly/exclusively responsible for the information provided in his/her online application form.
- Cut-off date: The candidate must possess the prescribed qualification, age as on 01.11.2017
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Official notification & Important dates:
Last date for online application: 26/11/2017