Assistant Professor & Lecturer Recruitment 2014 at OJAS

Assistant Professor and Lecturer.Detailed Name and No.of  Posts will be publish on CTE website Interested and Eligible Candidate can Apply Online at OJAS website i.e No of the Post: Assistant Professor: Lecturer: Pay scale: Rs.30,000/- for Assistant Professor Rs.25,000/- for Lecturer Age Limit: 35 Years(5 Years Age Relaxation for SC/ST/SEBC/Gov.Employee/Semi Gov.Employee) Selection Process: based on Merit Education Qualification: as on 31/07/2014

  •     Lecturer(Polytechnic):First Class pass in B.E or M.E in Relevant Branch
  •     Assistant Professor(Engineering College):First Class Pass in B.E and M.E appropriate Branch
Important Dates: Starting date of Online application: 23/07/2014 Last date for online Application: 01/08/2014 Date for Provisional Merit list: 04/08/2014

Merit List, Interview Schedule for the post of Professor/Lecturer Recruitment 2014 Published on August 2014. All branch wise Provisional Merit list,Result of Contractual base assistant Professor

Course wise – Category wise distribution of posts for Contractual Recruitment August-2014
New Provisional Merit List for the post of Assistant Professor in Govt. Engineering Colleges for Contractual Recruitment August-2014
New Provisional Merit List for the post of Lecturer in Govt. Polytechnics for Contractual Recruitment August-2014
New Cut-off marks for Interview Program for Contractual Recruitment August-2014
New Instruction and Interview Program for Contractual Recruitment August-2014
  • Important notes published on CTE and NIC website .
  • Candidate should give CPI/SPI/Percentage/Grade as per university norms
  • If you Candidate want to apply more than one post have to apply Separately.
Detailed Advt. Will be publish today on or Click Here to Apply Online for Lecturer and Professor at OJAS]]>

31 thoughts on “Assistant Professor & Lecturer Recruitment 2014 at OJAS”

  1. i have applied for the job of lecturer in diploma of computer branch………nd i also confirmed with it……….but my name has not been shortlisted…………..nd also have good marks… wht should i do?

  2. Respected sir,
    i want to know when the final order will arrived for contractual selection for lecturer post in govt polytechnic…just tell us approximate time …

  3. Respected sir,
    I am completed B.E. AUTOMOBILE ENGG. BUT I am not selected in diploma polytechnic lecturer….
    What Again process…?
    Next round declared time…….?

  4. Respected Sir,
    I selected in government polytechnic for lecturer post but final appointment letter not provided on dte website. ..So how much time for it???Please Reply

  5. Respected sir,
    I got selected for lecturer post in gadhiyan college surat. I would like to know when the final appoinment order release and when was the probable date of joining??

  6. Respected sir,
    I got selected for lecturer post in goverment polytechnic college rajkot. I would like to know when the final appoinment order release and when was the probable date of joining??

  7. hello guys..
    I am selected as a lecturer in polytecnic.
    but since today there is no any news about joining date.
    Is anyone can tell me what is the next task after getting provisional allotment letter?
    please reply me via mail or phone if any information is there regarding this.
    thank you.

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