ONGC Hazira Surat Recruitment 2017 | Apply 181 Apprentice Trade
ONGC Apprentice Surat Recruitment 2017
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC), Surat, Hazira Plant published latest
Apprentice Jobs official notification for the Various Trades in
ONGC Surat Hazira Plant Jobs 2017. Read Full Official Notification and other details on ONGC website and other details read pdf file attached mention below.
Notification for engagement of Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961 – Hazira Advt. No: ONGC/SKILLDVLPMNT/1/2018/Hazira
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), which is India’s flagship energy major and a ‘Maharatna’ Central Public Sector Enterprise engaged in Exploration and Production of Oil & Gas in India and abroad, as a measure of Skill Building initiative for the Nation, proposes to engage apprentices at its Offices in Hazira.ONGC Hazira Jobs Application form
Applications are invited from candidates meeting the following qualifications for engagement as Apprentices under Apprentices Act 1961/1973 (as amended from time to time) in the trade/disciplines mentioned below:ONGC Hazira Plant Vacancy Details
No. of Posts: 181
Name of Posts: Apprentice
- Accountant: 02 Posts
- Boiler Attendant: 03 Posts
- Cabin/Room Attendant: 02 Posts
- Computer Operator and Programming Assistant: 16 Posts
- Electrician: 34 Posts
- Electronics Mechanic: 03 Posts
- Fitter: 44 Posts
- House Keeper (Corporate): 06 Posts
- Information Technology and Electronics System Maintenance: 04 Posts
- Instrument Mechanic: 16 Posts
- Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant): 08 Posts
- Machinist/Turner: 06 Posts
- Mechanic (Motor vehicle): 04 Posts
- Mechanic Diesel: 20 Posts
- Secretarial Assistant: 09 Posts
- Welder (Gas & Electric): 04 Posts
Educational Quantification:
Accountant: Passed 12th class examination under 10+2 system of education with Commerce & Maths / Full time regular B.Com Graduates
Boiler Attendant: Trade Certificate in Boiler attendant
Cabin/Room Attendant: Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant: Trade Certificate in COPA
Electrician: Trade Certificate in Electrician trade.
Electronics Mechanic: Trade Certificate in Electronics Mechanic trade
Fitter: Trade Certificate in Fitter trade
House Keeper (Corporate): Passed 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent.
Information Technology & Electronics System Maintenance: Trade Certificate in IT&ESM trade / Trade Certificate in Electronics Mechanic 16 Trade.
Instrument Mechanic: Trade Certificate in Instrument Mechanic
Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant): 3 Years Full Time BSC in Physics/ Chemistry)
Machinist/Turner: Trade Certificate in Machinist trade/Turner Trade
Mechanic (Motor vehicle): Trade Certificate in Mechanic Motor Vehicle trade
Mechanic Diesel: Trade Certificate in Mechanic Diesel trade
Secretarial Assistant: Passed 12th class examination under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent
Welder (Gas & Electric): Trade Certificate in Welder trade
Selection Methodology
Shortlisting of candidates will be done based on the percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination as applicable to the respective trade. Candidates, will be offered the apprenticeship in order of merit. Medical Certificate of fitness for Apprenticeship Training in ONGC, in original, shall be required to be submitted at the time of joining the Apprenticeship Training from a Registered Medical Officer / Practitioner giving complete name, address and registration number of the medical authority.
Rules and Regulation: - The service conditions of the apprentices so selected would be governed by The Apprentice Act 1961 as amended from time to time.
- Only those applicants would be considered for the seats against a Discipline/ Trade (Column A above) who possess the essential qualification (as specified in Column B above) in the same trade.
- Reservation for SC/ST/OBC and physical y challenged (in identified trades) will be applicable as per the Govt. of India prescribed percentage for recruitment.
Age Limit : Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years ( Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST,i.e. upto max of 29 years, 3 years for OBC i.e. upto max of 27 years, for the posts reserved for them). Candidates belonging to PWD categories shall be given age relaxation upto 10 years (upto 15 years for SC/ST and upto 13 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Candidates).The cut-off date for reckoning the age shall be 01.11.2017.
How to Apply
Interested & Eligible candidate may apply for apprenticeship in the trade of their choice as per their eligibility, in Form A appended as Annexure and send it to the following address, super- scribing “Apprentice Application” on the upper right corner of the envelop.
Address: I/C HR-ER, ONGC Hazira plant, ONGC Nagar Surat-394518
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Official Notification & Important Dates : - ONGC Advt. No: ONGC/SKILLDVLPMNT/1/2018/Hazira
- Start date for submission application: 16/10/2017
- Last date for submission application: 03/11/2017 (till 05:00 PM)
- View official advertisement & Download Application form: Read Here
- View ONGC Hazira Recruitment 2017 Apprentice Notification Details : View Here